I help companies transform uncertainty into confidence and confidence into growth.

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My Purpose

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Learn, Share & Grow!

For more than 24 years I have worked with sales teams from all over Latin America and the United States, with whom we have managed to create, execute, overcome limits and achieve levels of success that were never before possible.

That is why I created: Innkfluence

A platform that is based on the study and certification of the main behavioral scientific methods and alliances with leading companies in sales training and influence.

We help commercial teams develop influencing skills through a structured training model that guarantees tangible and measurable results, as well as a motivated and motivated team.

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There are many ways to leave a mark in life.

Mine has been through innovation and creativity. With those two words I have been able to lead large sales teams to think differently, imagine scenarios that previously seemed impossible and

I combine proven strategies to enhance your influence, sales and leadership with practical tools to develop your soft skills (Power Skills).

I accompany you on your path to success thanks to my life, commercial and business experience, backed by certifications and the support of the great brands that I represent:

Latam Business Partner of Corporate Visions, a leading company in sales training and education, with a science-based methodology.

Founding Member of the Cialdini Institute: an institute dedicated to the study and application of Dr. Robert Cialdini's principles of persuasion and influence.

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Mentor for Start Ups & Small Business

One more thing... he who does not live to serve...

Something I have realized is that many of us suffer from the deception of believing that because we are busy we don’;t have time.

I learned it late, and that is why I decided that part of the most valuable asset we all have, time, would be donated as a mentor to startups and small businesses or to anyone who has an idea and wants a point of view.

This is how being a member of The Venture Mentoring Team, as a certified mentor, I can fulfill that dream

You want to talk, let’s schedule a virtual coffee here.

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Dieter Avella BIO

  • More than 24+ years of experience in technology industries (Motorola, IBM, Brightstar, Zebra Technologies) with leadership responsibilities in Product Marketing, Channels, Business Development, General Manager, VP of Sales and SaaS Solutions.
  • MBA Nova Southeastern University
  • Co-Founder of the Visual Storytelling Art Studio: INNK (7 years succesful Exit on 2023)
  • Founder of IINNKFLUENCE - A soft skills for sales academy
  • Corporate Visions – Business Partner LATAM
  • Cialdini Institute | Founding Member and Certified Coach of “Ethical Influence”
  • SPEAKER - NSA member – National Speakers Association | EXMA Certified Speaker
  • The John Maxwell Team - Trainer, Coach and Speaker
  • IDEOU – Creative Leadership, Design Thinking, Storytelling for Influence
  • Wesleyan University - Social Psychology (Student)
  • Proud husband and dad!
  • English & Español (Conversational Portuguese)
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Let's have a coffee

Transform uncertainty into confidence and confidence into growth.

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Let’s Chat!